Awarding the very first Charter of Honorary Membership

Awarding the very first Charter of Honorary Membership


Awarding the Štambuk association’s Charter of Honorary Membership to Bishop Štambuk


At the session of the Presidency of the Štambuk association held on the November 17th 2016, a decision was made to award the Charter of Honorary Membership to Monsignor Slobodan Štambuk – Bishop of the Diocese of Hvar-Brač. He was accorded the honor because of his great contributions to the conception, founding and operation of the association and to his systematic and unwavering support of its activities.

On the occasion of his visit to Zagreb to attend the regular Conference of Croatian Bishops, on October 11th, 2017, we presented to him  the Charter. This is the first such issuing that the association has accorded. In a short conversation with him, we touched upon the topic of the continuation of the association’s work and our desire to put in more effort to find suitable ways to involve as many Štambuk family members as possible, especially from the younger generations. With this aspiration in mind we will continue in our steps towards establishing branches of the association in the places and countries in which Štambuk family members live.

The Bishop thanked us for the award of the Charter to him and promised to give it pride of place in his home.


Stambuk Association – Selca, Island of Brac, Croatia
OIB 55907686126