On Friday the 21st of June at 10 am the members of the Štambuk association presidency (Alba, Bruno, Dario and Mario Štambuk), along with Ivan Marijančević, the Mayor of Selca, officially received a donation from Mr. Branko Weiss. Mr Weiss donated portraits of Ivan Štambuk (1857-1920), a physician and one-time Mayor of Selca and Ante Štambuk (born 1823) who was a lawyer.

Dr. Ivan Štambuk (1857-1920)

Ante Štambuk (born 1823)

At the municipal office in Selca (from left): Dario, Bruno, Ivan and Mario 

At the municipal office in Selca (from left): Dario, Bruno, Ivan, Alba and Mario

 The formal handing over of the portraits and the signing of the Grant Agreement with the municipality was postponed until August 2019, when Mr. Weiss planned to stay in Brač. The handover happened on the very day of the 2019 Croatia rediviva festival which was on August the 9th. For his valuable gift Mr. Weis was publicly thanked by the Mayor, Mr. Marijančević, at the rural market in Selca, in front of an audience, at an ceremony.

Mr. Weiss is the son of Vesna Weiss (née Štambuk) who is the great-granddaughter of Ante Štambuk who features on one of the portraits. She inherited the portraits before her marriage. The memory of these Štambuk family members has returned home! Following the delivery of a certificate of gratitude to Dr. Weiss the portraits were exhibited at the municipal building in Selca.

Dr. Weiss with his certificate of gratitude from the municipality and the portraits which he donated

The right-hand side portrait, which is more artistic and older in its appearance (it was painted in the mid-19th century), depicts Ante Štambuk (from the Zorin clan), who was a lawyer by profession. The portrait on the left depicts Dr. Ivan Stambuk (Ante’s son). Ivan was a doctor in Selca and he worked from a surgery situated on the ground floor of the Štambuk Palace. The agreement with Mr. Weiss commits the municipality of Selca to the permanent preservation of these valuable works. They are part of the historical record of it and the role that our ancestors played in its development. The portraits are oil on canvas. So far, the painters of them are unknown. However, it has been assumed that the portraits were the works of two Italian masters from the mid and second halves of the 19th century. We have yet to confirm this. The process of making these donations official from Mr. Weiss was assisted greatly by Dario Štambuk.


Stambuk Association – Selca, Island of Brac, Croatia
OIB 55907686126
e-mail: info@stambuk.hr